Help in the Haiti Emergency
The quake, which registered 7.0 on the Richter scale, triggered a tsunami warning for neighbouring countries situated in the Caribbean Sea. The earthquake, centred about 14 miles west of the capital city Port-au-Prince, caused widespread devastation.
The Foundation is holding two ground collections to help the appeal at the Hull City game on Saturday 23rd January and the Manchester CIty game on Wednesday 27th January. We urgently need volunteers, so if you are available and would like to help please contact us at
Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and has a population of 9.6million inhabitants, of which more than half are under 21. UNICEF has been working in Haiti since 1949 and works directly with the government on developing long-term solutions to problems caused by poverty and lack of basic health care, education and sanitation. This catastrophe will only exacerbate the already critical situation for the people of Haiti, especially women and children.
UNICEF has joined the United Nations appeal for £354 million for the humanitarian operation in Haiti. The appeal seeks to provide resources to help 3.5 million people for the next six months.
In coordination with other UN agencies present on the ground, UNICEF will provide supplies to allow access to adequate sanitation, safe water and basic health care for affected children and families.
Three UNICEF planeloads have landed in Port-au-Prince and in Santa Domingo. Their life-saving cargo includes oral rehydration salts to treat deadly diarrhoea caused by unsafe water, water purification tablets, blankets, emergency health and medical kits, water containers, tarpaulins and tents to provide temporary housing. UNICEF is leading on water distribution and on Sunday delivered 250,000 litres of water to 60,000 people. Water tanks are being erected in each of 17 zones in the capital city and the general hospital has been supplied with 120,000 litres of bottled water.
If you would like to donate to the appeal please visit