01:00, 23 July 2014
| by Katie Newton
Street Reds get stylish
The workshop was provided by Street Style Surgery as an alternative activity for girls who may not be interested in playing football. The 13-14 year olds attend the Street Reds project at Partington Sports Village on Friday evenings where free football sessions are offered 48 weeks of the year.
Foundation coach Jordan identified the need for more activities to engage female participants and asked the girls what they would like to try.
“I had a sit down with the girls and said, ‘Whatever you want to do to make you come to the sessions, we’ll do,’” said Jordan. “I think it has a really big impact on them because they know they’ve got somewhere to go and someone to talk to if they need to. They have somewhere to go on a Friday night; it stops any other behaviour that might go on in the community and I just want to be there for them.”
Sissy from Street Style Surgery added, “Today is about showing young people that there is more to Manchester United Foundation than just football and sport. There are kids who aren’t sporty but still want to get involved in something within the community, so the fact the Foundation can offer something creative gives them a well-rounded experience and raises aspirations in both a sport and creative sense.”
13-year-old Summer has been attending the sessions at Partington for three months:
“It’s good to have something different to do on a Friday night and that United put this on for us,” she said. “I like art so I’ve really enjoyed the spray painting; we’ve got to choose our own designs for the t-shirts and we get to take them home.”
Street Reds operates at nine locations across Greater Manchester on week nights at time where young people may otherwise become engaged in anti-social behaviour – F ind out more .
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