08:00, 07 May 2021
| by Communications
The donation will contribute towards UNICEF’s mission to lead on the delivery of two billion Covid-19 vaccines around the world on behalf of the global COVAX Facility.
The Foundation has committed £1 million to the Covid-19 response since the pandemic hit in March 2020, of which the £50,000 donation to the VaccinAid campaign could fund the cold chain equipment needed to deliver more than 550,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine around the world.The cold chain refers to precisely coordinated events in temperature-controlled environments to store, manage and transport these life-saving products.
On behalf of the global COVAX Facility, UNICEF is working with manufacturers and partners on the procurement of two billion Covid-19 vaccine doses, as well as freight, logistics and storage. UNICEF is leading the procurement for Covid-19 vaccines for 191 countries, as well as on the delivery of the vaccines for 92 low- and lower middle-income countries. Together, these represent more than four-fifths of the world’s population. In addition, UNICEF is working with partners to ensure that low- and middle-income countries have access to the tests and treatments for Covid-19 that will help to bring the pandemic to an end.
Gordon Glick, Deputy Executive Director for Partnerships at The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK), said: “We’re incredibly grateful for the on-going support we have received from Manchester United Foundation, a valued partner of UNICEF UK for more than 22 years. By supporting UNICEF UK’s VaccinAid campaign, the Foundation is helping ensure rapid and equitable access of Covid-19 vaccines, irrespective of a country’s wealth.”
As the world’s leading children’s charity, UNICEF understands that children have become the hidden victims of the pandemic, through school closures, health and nutrition risks, economies shutting down and much more. Through its partnership, Manchester United Foundation is proud to work together towards the goal of ending the pandemic as children are only safe when everyone they rely on is safe.
Manchester United Foundation manages the 22-year partnership between UNICEF UK and Manchester United Football Club under the United for UNICEF brand. The relationship is the longest running of its kind between a sports club and global children’s organisation.
John Shiels, CEO of Manchester United Foundation, said: “We are very proud to have worked with UNICEF UK for many years, helping to support millions of children worldwide.
“For a global organisation like Manchester United, it is important that our continued dedication to supporting the young people and families of Greater Manchester is also extended to our partners overseas. Through supporting VaccinAid and the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines via the global COVAX Facility, we are able to make this possible. I am certain it will go a long way to helping people across the world, changing their lives for the better and helping to bring an end to the pandemic.”
The donation to UNICEF’s global campaign follows the ongoing support of Manchester United to the local community as Old Trafford recently served as a St John Ambulance training centre for over 1,200 volunteers as part of the NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme.
To support the VaccinAid campaign please visit: VaccinAid.org